DOS 6 comes with a data compression program called DoubleSpace. It may almost double the size of your hard drive by compressing files. Compression programs use a kind of shorthand so that repeated data is stored in less space. Actually, DoubleSpaced compressed drive is a single file on an uncompressed drive. Such files are called Compressed Volume Files (CVF). DoubleSpace is invisible to your programs. You can use DoubleSpace on both hard disks and floppy disks. HOWEVER, DON'T USE IT WITHOUT READING THE CAUTIONS BELOW.
1. A DoubleSpaced hard drive is more likely to give trouble than an uncompressed drive. If you have plenty of room on your hard drive, don't install DoubleSpace. You will be much better served with a large hard drive that is not compressed. To date, there have been many reports of problems with DoubleSpace. If you need more room, my advice is to buy another or a larger hard drive.
2. If you plan to use DoubleSpace, you should read the README.TXT file in the C:\DOS directory.
DOS 6 comes with a data compression program called DoubleSpace. It may almost double the size of your hard drive by compressing files. Compression programs use a kind of shorthand so that repeated data is stored in less space. Actually, DoubleSpaced compressed drive is a single file on an uncompressed drive. Such files are called Compressed Volume Files (CVF). DoubleSpace is invisible to your programs. You can use DoubleSpace on both hard disks and floppy disks. HOWEVER, DON'T USE IT WITHOUT READING THE CAUTIONS BELOW.
1. A DoubleSpaced hard drive is more likely to give trouble than an uncompressed drive. If you have plenty of room on your hard drive, don't install DoubleSpace. You will be much better served with a large hard drive that is not compressed. To date, there have been many reports of problems with DoubleSpace. If you need more room, my advice is to buy another or a larger hard drive.
2. If you plan to use DoubleSpace, you should read the README.TXT file in the C:\DOS directory.